Monday, April 21, 2008



Lebanon is one of the oldest countries in the Middle East. The country which named by Bible the country of milk and honey. It is formed by five nations Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Turkey and Cyprus. Lebanon is history had a lot of wars starting with civil war and ending with Israel war in 2006.Even with this unlucky history Beirut is still a good example of what we call Paris of the east


Lebanon got independence in 1943 there are many things that contributed to increased tensions between Muslims and Christian. After independence from France Christian had the power but in 1948 after the Arab-Israel war Muslim refugees to Lebanon from Palestine. It reach the peak in 1975, when members of a Christian group attacked a bus full of Palestinians this operation increased the rage of Palestine that was fallowed by civil war to take revenge.

These occurrences make a Syrian army force interferes. This cause to death of

150,000-200,000 people the big problem was the interference of Israel army forces. They giving invaded them the opportunity in destroying the PLO, and destroying with them Lebanon. In 1989 the peace agreement was reached between Muslims and Christians. Loses is about 200000 people die, and 300000 where wounded.

Lebanon now:

Lebanon has become peaceful country and recovered economy and socially. More than 17 kind of religious lives together. People live in peace and there are nice sites for tourists. But there are few problems where there are not enough jobs for every body, and future is out side the country. To find a future and job you must go outside the country.


"Eye on Lebanon." Global Eye. Spring 2006. Royal Giographic Society. 8 Apr. 2008 .

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