Saturday, May 27, 2006

Cool Cities

In the world the rate of pollution is getting higher each day and the global warming situation is getting worse. Global warming is causing a lot of problems and has become the most threaten thing in the world. The people all over the world is starting to recognize the situation and try to reduce the rate of pollution. The latest way of saving the planet is by creating cool cities. A cool city is a city with out pollution or so less CO2. Create a cool city in your imagination what do you think it will look like? Abu Dhabi is going to be the first to create such a city. In my blog I am going to write about global worming and cool cities. Also I am going to write about our carbon footprints in detail. I will use critical thinking to write this research and will try to offer the best information that I will get from many sources.

Most of emissions are from buildings and transportation, so as a result a new project was brought which is the building of Cool city. Cool city is an ideal and model city of technology and knowledge gathered from the SDCG expertise. This city will operate on natural energies, such as it will present solar ships, hybrid cars, light rail transit, and monorail as transportation. It will also meet the requirements of the residents and visitors by having a business, sport, resort zones and a Jatropha forests, last but not least it will contain power plant farms. This cities heat managing will be unique, where they will manage heat by water, planting trees, roof membrane and the usage of recycled cool air.

As a result the buildings will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 60%, where the echo towers will reduce 50% and the echo residences will reduce carbon emissions to 30%. This is a great project to prove that technology can be used in solving problems, and maybe in the near future we will find a way to stop global warming.

1 comment:

174blogproject said...

hiii aliii i realy admire your work nd it was interesting