Monday, May 5, 2008


Hi, My name is Ali Husain im student at ADMC. Im 19 years old.I was born in abu Dhabi on 1988. I live in villa In Bani Yas. I have 3 brothers. Im single but after 3 years I will be married. Im student in second year. I will study Civil engineering.After I finish higher diploma I want complet my study. After graduation I hope I find a good Job. My favorites hobby is playing soccer. My best club is Barshlona. Im not sponsor. I like travel and visit another place. I like watch movies especially action movies. My father is retired from air forces. If I asked about my goal, I would first tell about what my passions and aspirations are. In short run I hope to study aboard in the process to learn a great deal about life. After my graduation I hope to have a career at international company.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Conflict Diamong PowerPoint

To view my PowerPoint on conflict diamonds
-First, click the link below
-Next, on the new page click Download File
It may take a few seconds for the page to set itself up.

Download conflictdiamonds.ppt

Monday, April 21, 2008



Lebanon is one of the oldest countries in the Middle East. The country which named by Bible the country of milk and honey. It is formed by five nations Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Turkey and Cyprus. Lebanon is history had a lot of wars starting with civil war and ending with Israel war in 2006.Even with this unlucky history Beirut is still a good example of what we call Paris of the east


Lebanon got independence in 1943 there are many things that contributed to increased tensions between Muslims and Christian. After independence from France Christian had the power but in 1948 after the Arab-Israel war Muslim refugees to Lebanon from Palestine. It reach the peak in 1975, when members of a Christian group attacked a bus full of Palestinians this operation increased the rage of Palestine that was fallowed by civil war to take revenge.

These occurrences make a Syrian army force interferes. This cause to death of

150,000-200,000 people the big problem was the interference of Israel army forces. They giving invaded them the opportunity in destroying the PLO, and destroying with them Lebanon. In 1989 the peace agreement was reached between Muslims and Christians. Loses is about 200000 people die, and 300000 where wounded.

Lebanon now:

Lebanon has become peaceful country and recovered economy and socially. More than 17 kind of religious lives together. People live in peace and there are nice sites for tourists. But there are few problems where there are not enough jobs for every body, and future is out side the country. To find a future and job you must go outside the country.


"Eye on Lebanon." Global Eye. Spring 2006. Royal Giographic Society. 8 Apr. 2008 .

click here for a link

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Introduction to global warming

Global Warming

Global Warming is increase in the average temperature. The term "global warming" is a specific example of global climate change. It is result of environment pollution especially air pollution. Global warming increase the temperature of air and oceans this increase make the ice melt on the in the North Pole and in the South Pole. Plant smoke and forest fire are some of examples of air pollution. These smokes make layer and make earth like glass house. That makes the climate very hot. Global warming causes to weather events like floods, draughts, heat waves and tornadoes. Also the change of the sea level will make same area in the next 20 years disappear. In November 2007, the Center for Strategic and International Studies and the Center for a New American Security published a report highlighting the national security effects of climate change. Finally this is government’s responsibility that they make roles and punish the contrary.

click here for a link.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Al Gore speech

Alpert Arnold AL Gore he was born on March 31, 1948. He was the forty-fifth Vice President of the United States. He was candidacy on 2000 to be the president of U.S.

After he lost election to his adversary Georg W Bush he tries to withdraw from politics. He turned his activates to show the dangers of global warming and green house.

Al Gore was one of the first famous characters who devoted himself to alert the world from the encompassing disastrous. He brings people to attention to act fast in limiting the emission of carbon dioxide.

Al Gore alert people radiation of CO2 and this alert contain graphs when the heat in our world increase the co2 increases to. The temperature of the oceans around the world increase and this cause catastrophe. Ice melting will cause disappear of same cities and island around the world because the see level will increase. Ice melting in Himalaya Mountain will cause diminution of water on the country which are around it like China, India and Afghanistan. This area has 40% of world population. Melting of ice in Greenland this is make the situation get worst start with animal death and increase see level.

Population increases which assign the world start with provide food and fresh water for drink and source of energy. America started helping the community by using other sources of energy. The truth that is not convenient is that we are the main cause of al this.

Monday, January 7, 2008

My opinion

In my opinion this movie talks about difficult and fateful cause in the world which is global warming. This obstacle that face world it makes people think about future and the revival of green gas house which threaten our lives. Al Gore alert nation about the earth and what is need to deliverance world from disaster. . I liked the fact that in this movie Al Gore gives us a scientific proof after every point or problem he mentioned and that makes no doubt that we are causing this problem. One of the important problems that is possibility of return ice ages. Really this movie changes my mind about the global warming and makes me think about the disaster if global warming still increased. At the end of presentation he gives the solution but it’s not enough. For finding a solution to this issue we must study the problem wisely to make sure it will never affect us or our economy.

click here for a voice thread