Sunday, March 23, 2008

Introduction to global warming

Global Warming

Global Warming is increase in the average temperature. The term "global warming" is a specific example of global climate change. It is result of environment pollution especially air pollution. Global warming increase the temperature of air and oceans this increase make the ice melt on the in the North Pole and in the South Pole. Plant smoke and forest fire are some of examples of air pollution. These smokes make layer and make earth like glass house. That makes the climate very hot. Global warming causes to weather events like floods, draughts, heat waves and tornadoes. Also the change of the sea level will make same area in the next 20 years disappear. In November 2007, the Center for Strategic and International Studies and the Center for a New American Security published a report highlighting the national security effects of climate change. Finally this is government’s responsibility that they make roles and punish the contrary.

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1 comment:

maktoom174blogproject said...

yes your correct but is there any solutions to prevent global warming?

please if you found any solutions mail it to me.

this is my e mail: