Thursday, February 7, 2008

Al Gore speech

Alpert Arnold AL Gore he was born on March 31, 1948. He was the forty-fifth Vice President of the United States. He was candidacy on 2000 to be the president of U.S.

After he lost election to his adversary Georg W Bush he tries to withdraw from politics. He turned his activates to show the dangers of global warming and green house.

Al Gore was one of the first famous characters who devoted himself to alert the world from the encompassing disastrous. He brings people to attention to act fast in limiting the emission of carbon dioxide.

Al Gore alert people radiation of CO2 and this alert contain graphs when the heat in our world increase the co2 increases to. The temperature of the oceans around the world increase and this cause catastrophe. Ice melting will cause disappear of same cities and island around the world because the see level will increase. Ice melting in Himalaya Mountain will cause diminution of water on the country which are around it like China, India and Afghanistan. This area has 40% of world population. Melting of ice in Greenland this is make the situation get worst start with animal death and increase see level.

Population increases which assign the world start with provide food and fresh water for drink and source of energy. America started helping the community by using other sources of energy. The truth that is not convenient is that we are the main cause of al this.

1 comment:

ahmed174blogproject said...

al gore speech is great and people should listen carfully to him

nice blig ali

keep it up